
Desquamating the skin, removing aged and dead cells, is what we call peeling. This treatment, which promotes a kind of sanding, can be chemical, acid-based, or physical, including home-made exfoliation and procedures such as fractional CO2 laser. Among chemical and physical procedures, there is still another division, between superficial, medium and deep peels. Each of them is indicated for different skin types, results and times of the year. The important thing is to always talk to your dermatologist, who will analyze your skin as a whole and propose the best option for you.


  • CO2 laser

It is a deep peeling, which strikes the dermis and increases the production of new collagen. It is indicated for wrinkles, blemishes, sagging and acne scars, among others. However, it should be avoided by those with colored skin, as it might stain the skin, and be done during the cooler seasons of the year.

  • Chemical peels

Made with different types of acids. Retinoic acid promotes mild flaking and helps in cell renewal and collagen production. Glycolic and salicylic are indicated to lighten blemishes and reducing wrinkles.

  • Laser 1927nm and 1440nm peel

This peeling is called “lunchtime peel” by americans. A little stream of light is rolled over the skin, emitting one of the types of light quoted above. The 1927nm promotes overall skin improvement and pigment uniformity. The 1440 acts a little deeply, in the dermis, stimulating collagen renewal. It can be associated with chemical whitening or rejuvenating peels. In the same session, neck and back of the hands are treated, as the procedure lasts for 40 minutes.

  • Exfoliation

Skin is renewed and cleansed from dead cells with mild mechanical dermabrasion.

Led therapy

Indicated for wrinkles, lines, scars, sagging, acnes, dark circles, spots, photoaging, stretch marks and cellulite, it does not cause any discomfort. The Light Emitting Diode (LED) emits light energy that functions as particle flow waves, called photons. Therefore, it is considered therapeutic, being great to renew the epidermis and to stimulate the production of collagen. Like most dermatological treatments, it should be prescribed by the doctor, who can associate it with other procedures, creating a unique protocol for each patient. Peels, hydration and the use of topical products are among the measures that can potentiate the effect of photobiomodulation.

Pulsed light

Similar to the laser, pulsed light can be used for a number of purposes, depending on the modulation: it may lighten blemishes on the skin, smooth wrinkles and fine lines, and permanently remove unwanted hair. The micropulsed 1064 is used for the treatment of very small veins, when the skin turns red, but you can’t see them. This condition is frequent in melasma, rosacea, keloid, surgical scar with hypertrophy and photoaging of face and neck. The longpulsed 1064 is indicated for the treatment of bigger veins, in nasal corner and face in general or anywhere it is present. It can be associated with other lasers.

Micro needing

This technique uses a roller with multiple needles, that punch several minuscule holes in the skin. The microtrauma generated in the epidermis / dermis stimulates the production of collagen, improving the skin (wrinkles, acne scars and even melasma). Micropuncture should be performed with local anesthetic or in some cases infiltrative (anesthetic block with needle), depending on pain limits of each individual and also the professional’s ability. Rollers may have from 192 to 540 needles. Depending on the case, it can be associated with pre or post roller peels, with growth factor substances, vitamins and hyaluronic acid, among others (what we call drug delivery).


Best choice for removal of white or clear hairs, which cannot be eliminated with pulsed light treatment. In electrolysis, an electric current weakens the bulb through cauterization. The method is used in punctual hairs.

Macro e microfocused facial ultrasound

The macro and microfocused ultrasound can be used to treat facial flaccidity with optimal results. If there is a fat pouch, the macrofocused ultrasound is used, otherwise, the protocol calls for the use of microfocused ultrasound. The treatment is non-invasive and, consequently, has no recovery time. This state-of-the-art technology stimulates, through thermal energy, collagen production on the skin’s deepest levels, improving density, fine lines, acne scars, sagging neck and neck and mandibular contour.


Facial fillers aim to replace lost volumes and fill furrows through the injection of biocompatible substances, like hyaluronic acid. With an advanced technique, an overall assessment of the patient’s face (using equipment that studies the face from a 3D image) is made to identify where to fill in: eyes, malar, lips, chin and facial contour, for example. The procedure is minimally invasive, therefore, it must be performed in the doctor’s office by a qualified professional.

Botulinum toxin

Simple, safe and effective, the procedure is minimally invasive and should be done in the doctor’s office by a qualified professional. Botulinum toxin is a substance that causes muscle relaxation for a limited period of time. It is indicated for wrinkles, such as between the eyebrows and on the forehead, crow’s feet and around the lips, as well as neck and neckline flaccidity and hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating).

Collagen Biostimulation

Poly-L-lactic acid works as a stimulator of collagen, fiber responsible for skin’s elasticity and, consequently, part of its “youthful appearance”. It is a minimally invasive procedure, in which the acid is applied under the skin and stimulates the synthesis of new collagen. That is, it is not a filler. Because of this, the results are not immediate (about three sessions are required, depending on the patient’s condition, and the effect lasts up to 18 months). It progressively improves sagging and softens the signs of aging quite naturally. Areas most indicated for the procedure are the grooves between nose and mouth and mouth and chin, as well as the jaws. The protocol can be done in conjunction with other treatments and an overall assessment of the patient’s face is needed to understand real needs.

Monopolar radiofrequency

This technology leads to compact heating of dermis, i.e. the skin layer with collagen and elastic fibers that serve as skin support and provide healthy skin appearance. As a result of heating, these fibers are reorganized while triggering the body to create new fibers. Monopolar radiofrequency is recommended for treating flacid face skin and also works as a maintenance tool for microfocused ultrasound treatment.

Fractional radiofrequency with galvanic current

This technology causes radiofrequency to be released through micropins and galvanic current. This combined technique – also known as hybrid energy – stimulates collagen and hyaluronic acid production thus resulting in extremely thin wrinkle filling, mild improvement of flacid skin, skin pore reduction and better skin lightening. It is recommended for rejuvenation treatment, acne scars and white stretch marks.

TriPollar – 3rd generation

Third generation TriPollar Radiofrequency (RF) technology provides maximum skin coverage and heating by applying a unique electrode rotation polarity algorythm. RF current heats the skin fat layer (hypodermis) while keeping the epidermis safe with no need of cooling for any phototypes. Dynamic Muscle Activation (DMA) stimulates and activates muscles, which generates non-invasive SMAS (superficial muscular aponeurotic system) stimulation on face skin and delivers a skin lifting effect. As TriLipo RF and DMA TriPollar RF are applied concurrently, both superficial (dermal) and deep (hypodermal) skin layers are deeply and homogeneously heated with immediate long-term results. This technology stimulates cells to release liquid fat and thus speeds up natural metabolism. The resulting internal and external pressure leads to lymphatic drainage and brings about optimized tissue oxygenation and detoxication.